Class 9 Courses

Chapter 5: Class 9 Biology Exam Tests

Class 9 Biology MCQs - Chapter 5

Cells and Tissues Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 17

The Cells and tissues Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (cells and tissues MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-17 to study Grade 9 Biology Course. Learn Cells and Tissues Quiz Questions and Answers for high school certificate courses. The Cells and Tissues MCQs App Download: Free learning app for passage of molecules and cells, cell organelles, light and electron microscopy, epithelial tissue test prep for virtual online school.

The MCQ: The process exocytosis replaces the cell membrane part which is destroyed during; "Cells and Tissues" App Download (Free) with answers: Osmosis; Peristalsis; Dialysis; Endocytosis; for high school certificate courses. Solve Passage of Molecules and Cells MCQ Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online certifications.

Cells and Tissues MCQs with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 17

MCQ 81:

The process exocytosis replaces the cell membrane part which is destroyed during

  1. peristalsis
  2. osmosis
  3. dialysis
  4. endocytosis
MCQ 82:

The dark spot where ribosomal RNA is assembled and formed is called

  1. actin
  2. chitin
  3. nuclei
  4. nucleoli
MCQ 83:

The microscope which works by the passing of light through the specific specimen is called

  1. electron microscope
  2. proton microscope
  3. neutron microscope
  4. light microscope
MCQ 84:

The columnar epithelium tissues are found in

  1. lungs and kidneys
  2. gall bladder and alimentary canal
  3. bronchi and trachea
  4. abdomen and heart
MCQ 85:

The detail of organism which cannot be seen under a light microscope is

  1. chitin structure
  2. cellulae structure
  3. internal structure
  4. nucleus structure

Cells and Tissues Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Cells and Tissues MCQs App to learn Cells and Tissues Textbook, 9th Grade Biology MCQ App, and MCAT Biology MCQs App. The "Cells and Tissues" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Cells and Tissues App (Android & iOS)

Cells and Tissues App (Android & iOS)

9th Grade Biology App (Android & iOS)

9th Grade Biology App (iOS & Android)

MCAT Biology App (Android & iOS)

MCAT Biology App (Android & iOS)

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Cell Biology App (iOS & Android)