Chapter 2: Class 9 Biology Exam Tests
Class 9 Biology MCQs - Chapter 2
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The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ): If the left-hand side of the chemical equation is ADP + water then the right-hand side of that chemical equation is equal to; "Bioenergetics" App Download (Free) with answers: APM + MI + energy; AMP + PI + energy; BMP + BI + energy; TDA + TI + energy; for high school certification courses. Solve ATP Cells Energy Currency MCQ Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for secondary school graduation certificate.
If the left-hand side of the chemical equation is ADP + water then the right-hand side of that chemical equation is equal to
The major source of energy to perform cellular functions such as exocytosis, endocytosis, movement, and transmission of nerve impulses is
The summarized details of dark reactions are also known as
The rate of photosynthesis increases with the increase in
In anaerobic respiration, the pyruvic acid is not oxidized completely and turns into
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