Food Energy and Respiration - Science Learning 1
Practice Food Energy and Respiration questions with answers. This prep guide includes questions like, how is energy formed?, what is aerobic respiration?, what is meant by aerobic?, what happens if sufficient oxygen is not present?, what happens if excess lactic acid is produced? and others below.
Food Energy and Respiration Learning 1
How is energy formed?
Answer: For living organisms, energy is formed by a chemical reaction between food and oxygen. Generally, the component of food used in the reaction is Glucose.
What is aerobic respiration?
Answer: Aerobic respiration is respiration which involves oxygen. Oxygen combines with food to form by products and energy.
What is meant by aerobic?
Answer: Aerobic stands for 'presence of oxygen'. Aerobic respiration is very important because we can live for a few days without food, but we will last for only few minutes without oxygen.
What happens if sufficient oxygen is not present?
Answer: An example of insufficient amount of oxygen is a running race. In running race, our body cannot get enough oxygen for the movement of our muscles, so the body gets that energy by breaking down glucose in the absence of oxygen, this produces lactic acid which makes us tired.
What happens if excess lactic acid is produced?
Answer: If excess lactic acid is produced in the muscles, our muscles would get over exhausted and cramps may build within the muscles which is unfit for them.