Food Energy and Respiration - Science Learning 2
Practice Food Energy and Respiration questions with answers. This prep guide includes questions like, what is anaerobic respiration?, how is oxygen transported to cells?, where does respiration take place?, what are by-products of respiration?, how does air enter our lungs? and others below.
Food Energy and Respiration Learning 2
What is anaerobic respiration?
Answer: Anaerobic respiration is a type of respiration in which glucose breaks down in the absence of oxygen. In this type of respiration, less energy compared to aerobic respiration. Lactic acid is also produced in this type of respiration which makes our muscles tired.
How is oxygen transported to cells?
Answer: Oxygen is taken in to the the lungs when we breathe. Diffusion takes place within the lungs and oxygen moves from lungs to blood vessels. These blood vessels take oxygen to the cells where required.
Where does respiration take place?
Answer: Respiration takes place in the organelles known as 'Mitochondria'. These organelles are also known as the power house of the cell. In mitochondria, glucose combines with oxygen to produce energy.
What are by-products of respiration?
Answer: There are two major by-products of respiration i.e. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Carbon dioxide is given out when we exhale air and water is excreted in different ways e.g. sweating, exhaling, urinating and egesting.
How does air enter our lungs?
Answer: When we exhale, there is a pressure difference inside and outside of the lungs. To maintain that pressure air enters the lungs.