Body Transport System - Science Learning 9
Practice Body Transport System questions with answers. This prep guide includes questions like, how does blood flow in veins?, what are properties of blood present in veins?, what is quantity of blood in an adult?, what is blood?, which cell is found in highest amount in blood? and others below.
Body Transport System Learning 9
How does blood flow in veins?
Answer: In veins, blood flows with low pressure. This is why it is said that the blood in the veins moves steadily. Due to low pressure there is a need of valves in the vein to prevent the backward flow of blood.
What are properties of blood present in veins?
Answer: Except for pulmonary vein, blood in the veins is purplish red because oxygen is in low concentration, carbon dioxide and water are in high concentrations.
What is quantity of blood in an adult?
Answer: The quantity of blood in an adult human being is approximately 5 liters.
What is blood?
Answer: Blood is a living tissue and one drop of it contains approximately 5 million cells. Blood contains four major types of components i.e. red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and their medium, plasma.
Which cell is found in highest amount in blood?
Answer: The cell found in highest amount in the blood is red blood cell. Red blood cells are biconcave in shape with hollow surfaces on both sides. Red blood cells contain a very important pigment known as haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is the pigment that gives the name to the cell for its 'red' color. Moreover, red blood cells don't have nucleus.