Class 9 Courses

Chapter 3: Class 9 Chemistry Exam Tests

Class 9 Chemistry MCQs - Chapter 3

Fundamentals of Chemistry Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 7

The Fundamentals of chemistry Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (fundamentals of chemistry Quiz PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-7 to learn Grade 9 Chemistry Course. Solve Avogadro Number and Mole MCQs PDF, Fundamentals of Chemistry Quiz Questions and Answers for online certificate programs. The Fundamentals of Chemistry Quiz App Download: Free learning app for avogadro number and mole, branches of chemistry, molecular and formula mass, ions and free radicals test prep for online secondary school courses.

The Quiz: If one mole of carbon contains x atoms then the number of atoms in 12g of Mg are; "Fundamentals of Chemistry" App (iOS, Android) with answers: 0.5x; X; 2x; 1.5x; for online certificate programs. Study Avogadro Number and Mole MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for online teaching certification programs.

Fundamentals of Chemistry Exam Questions and Answers PDF Download: Test 7

MCQ 31:

If one mole of carbon contains x atoms then the number of atoms in 12g of Mg are

  1. x
  2. 0.5x
  3. 2x
  4. 1.5x
MCQ 32:

A science that examines the material this universe contains and changes in them is called

  1. Chemistry
  2. Physics
  3. Biology
  4. Geography
MCQ 33:

The molecular mass of glucose is

  1. 180.096 amu
  2. 190.096 amu
  3. 181.096 amu
  4. 130.096 amu
MCQ 34:

Negatively charged ions are called

  1. cations
  2. anions
  3. ion
  4. none of above
MCQ 35:

The number of atoms of hydrogen in 2 moles of NH3

  1. 5 * 1023
  2. 3.01 * 1023
  3. 3.61 * 1024
  4. 4 * 1023

Fundamentals of Chemistry Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Fundamentals of Chemistry App (Android & iOS)

Fundamentals of Chemistry App (Android & iOS)

9th Grade Chemistry App (Android & iOS)

9th Grade Chemistry App (iOS & Android)

SAT Chemistry App (Android & iOS)

SAT Chemistry App (Android & iOS)

10th Grade Chemistry App (Android & iOS)

10th Grade Chemistry App (iOS & Android)