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Class 10 Chemistry Online Tests

Environmental Pollution MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Environmental pollution Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Environmental Pollution MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Grade 10 Chemistry Tests. Study Environmental Chemistry I Atmosphere Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Environmental Pollution quiz answers PDF to study online high school courses. The Environmental Pollution MCQ App Download: Free learning app for meteorology, environmental pollution, air pollution, troposphere test prep for high school graduation certificate.

The MCQ: What is the source of chlorofluorocarbons; "Environmental Pollution" App Download (Free) with answers: Aerosol sprays foams; Exhaust fumes of motor vehicles; Incomplete burning of wood; to study online high school courses. Solve Environmental Chemistry I Atmosphere Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for online schools.

Environmental Pollution MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

What is the source of lead compounds?

  1. aerosol sprays foams
  2. exhaust fumes of motor vehicles
  3. incomplete burning of wood
  4. none of above
MCQ 2:

What is the source of chlorofluorocarbons?

  1. aerosol sprays foams
  2. exhaust fumes of motor vehicles
  3. incomplete burning of wood
  4. none of above
MCQ 3:

What is the source of oxides of nitrogen?

  1. Powerstations and industries using fossil fuels only
  2. exhaust fumes of motor vehicles only
  3. incomplete burning of wood
  4. Powerstations & industries using fossil fuels and exhaust fumes of motor vehicles
MCQ 4:

What is the source of carbon monoxide?

  1. incomplete burning of wood
  2. fuels
  3. exhaust fumes of motor vehicles
  4. all of above
MCQ 5:

What is the source of sulfur dioxide?

  1. Powerstations and industries using fossil fuels
  2. exhaust fumes of motor vehicles
  3. incomplete burning of wood
  4. none of above

Class 10 Chemistry Practice Tests

Environmental Pollution Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Environmental Pollution MCQs App to learn Environmental Pollution Textbook, 10th Grade Chemistry MCQ App, and 9th Grade Chemistry MCQ App. The "Environmental Pollution" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Environmental Pollution App (Android & iOS)

Environmental Pollution App (Android & iOS)

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