Chapter 1: Class 10 English Exam Tests
Class 10 English MCQs - Chapter 1
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The Quiz: When the men coughed he realized that the men were quite near to him. PDF, "active and passive voice Quiz" App (Android & iOS) with choices when the men coughed it had realized by him that the men were quite near to him., when the men coughed it realized by him that the men were quiet near to him., when the men coughed it was realized by him that the men were quite near to him., and when the men coughed it is realized by him the men ere quite near to him. to learn online high school courses. Solve active and passive voice quiz questions for school certificate programs for online courses.
When the men coughed he realized that the men were quite near to him.
When she was talking on phone, someone snatched her bag.
Can you help me to scoop out the seeds from the melon?
I tried but could not answer the question.
Why do the countries produce nuclear weapons so that any one cannot harm us?
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