Class 10 Courses

Chapter 4: Class 10 English Exam Tests

Class 10 English MCQs - Chapter 4

Examples of Verbs Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download - 2

The Book Examples of verbs Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), examples of verbs MCQ with Answers PDF download, e-Book Ch. 4-2 for online classes. Practice Verbs Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), examples of verbs quiz questions and answers to study online classes courses. Examples of Verbs MCQs PDF: verbs test prep for online school classes.

The Quiz: When my teacher explains sums in class, I ____________ practice at home. PDF, "examples of verbs Quiz" App (Android & iOS) with choices do, does, done, and be to study online classes courses. Solve verbs quiz questions for school certificate programs for online degrees.

Examples of Verbs Quiz PDF Download: English Test 2

MCQ 6:

When my teacher explains sums in class, I ____________ practice at home.

  1. does
  2. do
  3. done
  4. be
MCQ 7:

Our prime minister ____________ deliver his speech on TV and radio.

  1. should
  2. do
  3. was
  4. is
MCQ 8:

They ____________ some saving to fall back on.

  1. be
  2. been
  3. being
  4. have
MCQ 9:

Keep out yourself from bad company, if you ____________ to study well.

  1. want
  2. wants
  3. wanted
  4. wanting
MCQ 10:

Adam, who is my brother, ____________ a slow learner.

  1. are
  2. were
  3. was
  4. is

Examples of Verbs Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Examples of Verbs App (Android & iOS)

Examples of Verbs App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (iOS & Android)

Computer Networks App (Android & iOS)

Computer Networks App (Android & iOS)

Applied Anthropology App (Android & iOS)

Applied Anthropology App (iOS & Android)