Class 10 Courses

Chapter 3: Class 10 English Exam Tests

Class 10 English MCQs - Chapter 3

Examples of Pronouns Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Book Examples of pronouns Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), examples of pronouns MCQs with Answers PDF download, e-Book Ch. 3-1 for online courses. Practice Pronoun MCQs, examples of pronouns quiz questions and answers to learn online courses. Examples of Pronouns MCQ PDF: pronoun test prep for online high school courses.

The MCQ: Which is the singular subject pronoun in the sentences "I like to walk in the rain for a long time because no one could see my tears." PDF, "examples of pronouns" App Download (Free) with choices i, my, no one, and could to learn online courses. Solve pronoun quiz questions for school certificate programs for online courses.

Examples of Pronouns MCQs PDF Download: English Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

Which is the singular subject pronoun in the sentences "I like to walk in the rain for a long time because no one could see my tears."

  1. my
  2. I
  3. no one
  4. could
MCQ 2:

Find the possessive pronoun in the sentence " Unless they do all of their homework, they won't allow to play."

  1. they
  2. won't
  3. their
  4. unless
MCQ 3:

Which is possessive pronoun in the sentencei played the guitar but my brother playe his piano. "

  1. I
  2. my
  3. their
  4. his
MCQ 4:

Find the plural subjective pronoun in the sentence "They will have a party all of their friends are invited."

  1. they
  2. their
  3. have
  4. of
MCQ 5:

Find the possessive pronoun in the sentence "When I finished my work, I asked my teacher to check it for mistakes."

  1. i
  2. for
  3. it
  4. my

Examples of Pronouns Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Examples of Pronouns App (Android & iOS)

Examples of Pronouns App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (iOS & Android)

Marine Pollution App (Android & iOS)

Marine Pollution App (Android & iOS)

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International Relations App (iOS & Android)