Class 10 Courses

Chapter 2: Class 10 English Exam Tests

Class 10 English MCQs - Chapter 2

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download - 6

The Book Direct and indirect speech exercises Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), direct and indirect speech exercises MCQ with Answers PDF download, e-Book Ch. 2-6 for online classes. Practice Direct and Indirect Speech Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), direct and indirect speech exercises quiz questions and answers to learn online certificate courses. Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises MCQs PDF: direct and indirect speech test prep for distance education.

The Quiz: "Did you know about Mr. Ahmed", I said. "No, I did not know about him", She said. PDF, "direct and indirect speech exercises Quiz" App (Android & iOS) with choices i asked she knew about mr.ahmed she replied no she not know about him., i asked if she had known about mr.ahmed she replied no she had not known about him., i asked she had known about mr. ahmed she replied no she had not know about mr. ahmed., and i was asked that did she know about mr. ahmed she said that no she did not know about him. to learn online certificate courses. Solve direct and indirect speech quiz questions for school certificate programs for distance learning.

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises Quiz PDF Download: English Test 6

MCQ 26:

"Did you know about Mr. Ahmed", I said. "No, I did not know about him", She said.

  1. I asked if she had known about Mr.Ahmed she replied no she had not known about him.
  2. I asked she knew about Mr.Ahmed she replied no she not know about him.
  3. I asked she had known about Mr. Ahmed she replied no she had not know about Mr. Ahmed.
  4. I was asked that did she know about Mr. Ahmed she said that no she did not know about him.
MCQ 27:

He said, "I saw them on their bicycle beside the traffic sign in a happy mood. I called them but they did not stop."

  1. He said that he had been seen them on their bicycle beside the traffic sign in a happy mood. He call
  2. He said that he seen them on their bicycle beside the traffic sign in a happy mood.They called them
  3. He said that he has been seen them on their bicycle beside the traffic sign in a happy mood.He calle
  4. He said that he had seen them on their bicycle beside the traffic sign in a happy mood. He called th
MCQ 28:

You said, "My friends are happily settled in different countries of the world, which are quite far but we talk regularly."

  1. You said that my friends are happily settled in different countries of the world which are quite far
  2. You said that your friends were happily settled in different countries of the world which were quite
  3. You said that your friends are being happily settled in different countries of the world which are b
  4. You said that my friends happily settled in different countries of the world which were quite far bu
MCQ 29:

Wife says to her husband, "When prices are high, my problems have multiplied which make my whole planning miserable."

  1. Wife said to her husband that when prices were high her problems had multipled which made her planni
  2. Wife said to her husband that when prices are high my problmes has multiplied which make my whole pl
  3. Wife said to her husband that when prices are high her problems have been multiplied which make her
  4. Wife says to her husband that when prices are high her problems have multiplied which make her whole

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Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises App (Android & iOS)

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises App (Android & iOS)

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