Class 10 Courses

Chapter 2: Class 10 English Exam Tests

Class 10 English MCQs - Chapter 2

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises Trivia Questions & Answers PDF Download - 4

The Book Direct and indirect speech exercises Trivia Questions, direct and indirect speech exercises Quiz with Answers PDF download, e-Book Ch. 2-4 for online learning. Practice Direct and Indirect Speech MCQs, direct and indirect speech exercises quiz questions and answers to study online high school courses. Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises MCQ PDF: direct and indirect speech test prep for virtual high school.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): A leader says, "A country cannot be peaceful until good education is provided to each child." PDF, "direct and indirect speech exercises Quiz" App APK (Free) with choices a leader says that a country cannot been peaceful until good education was provided to each child., a leader says that a country could not be peaceful until good education is provided to each child., a leader says that a country cannot peaceful until good education will be provided to each child., and a leader says that a country cannot be peaceful until good education is provided to each child. to study online high school courses. Solve direct and indirect speech quiz questions for school certificate programs for online schools.

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises Quizzes PDF Download: English Test 4

MCQ 16:

A leader says, "A country cannot be peaceful until good education is provided to each child."

  1. A leader says that a country could not be peaceful until good education is provided to each child.
  2. A leader says that a country cannot been peaceful until good education was provided to each child.
  3. A leader says that a country cannot peaceful until good education will be provided to each child.
  4. A leader says that a country cannot be peaceful until good education is provided to each child.
MCQ 17:

A doctor said, "You take rest."

  1. A doctor advised me to take rest.
  2. A doctor was advised me to take rest.
  3. A doctor advised me to took rest.
  4. A doctor said me to you had taken rest.
MCQ 18:

He said to the teacher, "May I ask a question?"

  1. He said to the teacher that he may ask a question.
  2. He asks to the teacher that may he ask question.
  3. He asked the teacher that he might ask a question.
  4. He asked to the teacher that he might be ask a question.
MCQ 19:

A nurse said, "He is sleeping, please do not disturb him."

  1. A nurse informed that he was sleeping requested not to disturb him.
  2. A nurse said that he slept requested do not distrub him.
  3. A nurse informed that he had sleeping reqeusted did not disturb him.
  4. A nurse said that he is sleeping reqeusted do not disturb him.
MCQ 20:

She said, "I was sleeping when you came."

  1. She said that she has been sleeping when he has come.
  2. She said that she was sleeping when he came.
  3. She said that she had been sleeping when he had come.
  4. She said that she had slept when he came.

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