Class 10 Courses

Chapter 5: Class 10 English Exam Tests

Class 10 English MCQs - Chapter 5

Types of Nouns Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 3

The Book Types of nouns Quiz Questions, types of nouns Quiz with Answers PDF download, e-Book Ch. 5-3 for online certificates. Practice Nouns MCQs, types of nouns quiz questions and answers to study online high school courses. Types of Nouns Quiz PDF: nouns test prep for distance education.

The MCQ Quiz: I could not recognize her voice on the phone. (Which word is an abstract noun?) PDF, "types of nouns MCQs" App (iOS & Android) with choices could not, phone, the, and voice to study online high school courses. Solve nouns quiz questions for school certificate programs for school certificate.

Types of Nouns MCQs PDF Download: English Quiz 3

MCQ 11:

I could not recognize her voice on the phone. (Which word is an abstract noun?)

  1. phone
  2. could not
  3. the
  4. voice
MCQ 12:

Allama Iqbal was the great poet of east, wrote many poems for children. (Which word is a proper noun?)

  1. great
  2. Allama Iqbal
  3. poet
  4. poems
MCQ 13:

Let's go the park, we will have fun and spend time with friends. (Which word is a common noun?)

  1. park
  2. spend
  3. fun
  4. time
MCQ 14:

At first glance, it looks like a diplomatic love-fest. (Which word is a compound noun?)

  1. glance
  2. diplomatic
  3. like
  4. love-fest
MCQ 15:

Fifteen people were arrested when hundreds of police officers raided dozens of homes.(Which word is a count noun?)

  1. people
  2. police officers
  3. arrested
  4. raided

Types of Nouns Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Types of Nouns App (Android & iOS)

Types of Nouns App (Android & iOS)

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