Class 10 Courses

Chapter 3: Class 10 Biology Exam Tests

Class 10 Biology MCQs - Chapter 3

Gaseous Exchange Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download - 10

The Gaseous exchange Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Gaseous Exchange MCQ PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-10 to learn Grade 10 Biology Course. Study Exchange of Gases in Humans Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) PDF, Gaseous Exchange Quiz Questions and Answers to study online courses. The Gaseous Exchange MCQ App Download: Free educational app for exchange of gases in humans, gaseous exchange process, thoracic diseases, gaseous exchange in humans, gaseous exchange in plants test prep for online degree programs.

The MCQs: A muscular package, common to both food and air is; "Gaseous Exchange" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Glottis; Larynx; Epiglottis; Pharynx; to study online courses. Practice Exchange of Gases in Humans MCQ Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for online learning.

Gaseous Exchange MCQs with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 10

MCQ 46:

A muscular package, common to both food and air is

  1. larynx
  2. glottis
  3. epiglottis
  4. pharynx
MCQ 47:

As compared to respiration, the processes involved in the breathing includes

  1. bio-chemical processes
  2. mechanical processes
  3. non-mechanical processes
  4. bio-physical processes
MCQ 48:

The world No Tobacco Day is celebrated on

  1. 31st may
  2. 31st April
  3. 31st march
  4. 31st June
MCQ 49:

The nasal cavity opens outside of the kind of openings that are called

  1. trachea
  2. glottis
  3. nostrils
  4. pharynx
MCQ 50:

The inner cells of leaves are called

  1. mesophyll
  2. guard cells
  3. stomata
  4. epidermis

Gaseous Exchange Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

The App: Gaseous Exchange MCQ App to study Gaseous Exchange Textbook, 10th Grade Biology MCQs App, and 9th Grade Biology MCQs App. The "Gaseous Exchange MCQ" App to free download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Gaseous Exchange App (Android & iOS)

Gaseous Exchange App (Android & iOS)

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10th Grade Biology App (iOS & Android)

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