Class 10 Online Courses

Class 10 biology Practice Tests

Class 10 Biology Online Tests

Parasites Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The e-Book Parasites Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, Parasites MCQ PDF download to learn free 10th grade biology online courses. Practice Man and Environment Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Parasites quiz answers PDF for high school certificate courses. The Parasites MCQ App Download: Free learning app for pollution: consequences and control, biology: pollution, interactions in ecosystem, flow of materials and energy in ecosystems test prep for online degrees.

The MCQ: Kind of parasitism in which the whole life of parasites are spent as parasites is called; "Parasites" App Download (Free) with answers permanent parasitism, temporary mutualism, permanent mutualism and temporary parasitism for high school certificate courses. Solve man and environment quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for distance learning.

Parasites MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The kind of parasitism in which the whole life of parasites are spent as parasites is called

A) permanent parasitism
B) temporary mutualism
C) permanent mutualism
D) temporary parasitism

MCQ 2: The parasites that live inside the host body to get the shelter and food are called

A) digestion parasites
B) synthetic parasites
C) endoparasite
D) ectoparasite

MCQ 3: Considering the kind of symbiosis, the classification of parasites includes

A) endoparasite only
B) ectoparasite only
C) digestion parasites
D) endoparasite and ectoparasite

MCQ 4: The common examples of temporary parasites include

A) epiphytes
B) sucker fish
C) bed bug, leech and mosquito
D) rhizobium

MCQ 5: The kind of parasitism in which the parasite lived as a free organism and part of its life is only spent as a parasite is called

A) permanent mutualism
B) temporary parasitism
C) permanent parasitism
D) temporary mutualism

Class 10 Biology Practice Tests

Parasites Learning App & Free Study Apps

Download Parasites MCQs App to learn Parasites, 10th Grade Biology MCQs App, and Zoology MCQ Apps. The "Parasites MCQs" App to download free Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Parasites App (Android & iOS)

Parasites App (Android & iOS)

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