Class 9 Courses

Chapter 2: Class 9 Biology Exam Tests

Class 9 Biology MCQs - Chapter 2

Bioenergetics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 5

The Bioenergetics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (bioenergetics MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 2-5 to study Grade 9 Biology Course. Learn Bioenergetics Quiz Questions and Answers for high school certificate courses. The Bioenergetics MCQs App Download: Free learning app for photosynthesis process, atp cells energy currency, oxidation reduction reactions, mechanism of photosynthesis, microorganisms test prep for online study.

The MCQ: During osmosis, the cells in which carbon dioxide diffuses after absorption in thin layer of water are; "Bioenergetics" App Download (Free) with answers: Chlorophyll cells; Mesophyll cells; Xylem cells; Phloem cells; for high school certificate courses. Solve Photosynthesis Process MCQ Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for secondary school graduation certificate.

Bioenergetics MCQs with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 5

MCQ 21:

During osmosis, the cells in which carbon dioxide diffuses after absorption in thin layer of water are

  1. mesophyll cells
  2. chlorophyll cells
  3. xylem cells
  4. phloem cells
MCQ 22:

The five-carbon sugar in ATP molecule is known as

  1. phosphorus
  2. magnesium
  3. adenine
  4. ribose
MCQ 23:

The loss of electrons is known as

  1. anabolism
  2. metabolism
  3. oxidation
  4. reduction
MCQ 24:

The substances that absorbs visible light are known as

  1. thylakoids
  2. pigments
  3. chromatin
  4. granum
MCQ 25:

The microorganisms that prepares their food from water and carbon dioxide are

  1. photosynthetic amoeba
  2. photosynthetic algae
  3. photosynthetic hydra
  4. photosynthetic flagella

Bioenergetics Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Bioenergetics MCQs App to learn Bioenergetics Textbook, 9th Grade Biology MCQ App, and Molecular Biology MCQs App. The "Bioenergetics" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Bioenergetics App (Android & iOS)

Bioenergetics App (Android & iOS)

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