Class 8 Courses

Chapter 6: Class 8 English Exam Tests

Class 8 English MCQs - Chapter 6

What are Nouns Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 3

The Book What are nouns Quiz Questions, what are nouns Quiz with Answers PDF download, e-Book Ch. 6-3 for online certificates. Practice Nouns MCQs, what are nouns quiz questions and answers to learn homeschool online courses. What are Nouns Quiz PDF: nouns test prep for online elementary school classes.

The MCQ Quiz: Sun shine keeps us warm in winter. (Which word is a mass noun?) PDF, "what are nouns MCQs" App (iOS & Android) with choices winter, keeps, warm, and sunshine to learn homeschool online courses. Solve nouns quiz questions for school certificate programs for online certificate courses.

What are Nouns MCQs PDF Download: English Quiz 3

MCQ 11:

Sun shine keeps us warm in winter. (Which word is a mass noun?)

  1. keeps
  2. winter
  3. warm
  4. sunshine
MCQ 12:

Fox wanted to eat a bunch of grapes. (Which word is a collective noun?)

  1. wanted
  2. bunch of grapes
  3. fox
  4. eat
MCQ 13:

My father bought a beautiful mare. (Which word is a feminine noun?)

  1. mare
  2. beautiful
  3. my
  4. father
MCQ 14:

Please must remember to bring bananas.(Which word is a collective noun?)

  1. must
  2. bananas
  3. bring
  4. pleasure
MCQ 15:

This is Sara's coat. Which she forgot here. (Which word is a singular possessive noun?)

  1. this
  2. a
  3. forgot
  4. Sara's coat.

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What are Nouns App (Android & iOS)

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DataBase Management System (MCS) App (Android & iOS)

DataBase Management System (MCS) App (Android & iOS)

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