Class 6 Courses

Chapter 3: Class 6 English Exam Tests

Class 6 English MCQs - Chapter 3

Noun Exercises Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 5

The Book Noun exercises Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), noun exercises MCQs with Answers PDF download, e-Book Ch. 3-5 for online courses. Practice Nouns MCQs, noun exercises quiz questions and answers to study online certificate courses. Noun Exercises MCQ PDF: nouns test prep for online school classes.

The MCQ: Why do you tell a lie? (Which word is an abstract noun?) PDF, "noun exercises" App Download (Free) with choices lie, tell, you, and why to study online certificate courses. Solve nouns quiz questions for school certificate programs for online classes.

Noun Exercises MCQs PDF Download: English Quiz 5

MCQ 21:

Why do you tell a lie? (Which word is an abstract noun?)

  1. tell
  2. lie
  3. you
  4. why
MCQ 22:

We get wool from sheep. (Which word is a material noun?)

  1. sheep
  2. wool
  3. get
  4. from
MCQ 23:

You can settle everything in a friendly manner. (Which word is concrete noun)

  1. settle
  2. can
  3. friendly manner
  4. you
MCQ 24:

Taj Mahal is a sign of love. (Which word is a proper noun?)

  1. Taj Mahal
  2. sing
  3. love
  4. is
MCQ 25:

Beauty does not need any ornaments. (Which word is an uncountable noun?)

  1. need
  2. beauty
  3. any
  4. ornaments.

Noun Exercises Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Noun Exercises App (Android & iOS)

Noun Exercises App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (iOS & Android)

Computational Fluid Dynamics App (Android & iOS)

Computational Fluid Dynamics App (Android & iOS)

Microbiology App (Android & iOS)

Microbiology App (iOS & Android)