Chapter 5: Class 6 English Exam Tests
Class 6 English MCQs - Chapter 5
The Book Pronoun exercise Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), pronoun exercise MCQs with Answers PDF download, e-Book Ch. 5-1 for online courses. Practice Pronoun MCQs, pronoun exercise quiz questions and answers to study online school courses. Pronoun Exercise MCQ PDF: pronoun test prep for online education.
The MCQ: Which is the objective pronoun in the sentence "All of you come to the science lab." PDF, "pronoun exercise" App Download (Free) with choices the, to, you, and of to study online school courses. Solve pronoun quiz questions for school certificate programs for free online classes.
Which is the objective pronoun in the sentence "All of you come to the science lab."
Which is the object pronoun in the sentence "They want to help her."
Which is the subject pronoun in the sentence "You stole my idea."
Which is the demonstrative pronoun in the sentence "Those items should be kept carefully."
Which is the distributive pronoun in the sentence "Neither of those two were passed."
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