Class 10 Courses

Chapter 9: Class 10 Physics Exam Tests

Class 10 Physics MCQs - Chapter 9

Sound Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 11

The Sound Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (sound Quiz PDF e-Book) download Ch. 9-11 to learn Grade 10 Physics Course. Solve Speed of Sound MCQs PDF, Sound Quiz Questions and Answers to learn online school courses. The Sound Quiz App Download: Free learning app for speed of sound, echo of sound, sound wave and speed, sound and sound waves test prep for virtual high school.

The Quiz: If the speed of the sound wave is 340ms-1 and wavelength is 0.5m then the frequency is; "Sound" App (iOS, Android) with answers: 680Hz; 720Hz; 10Hz; 240Hz; to learn online school courses. Study Speed of Sound MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for online schools.

Sound Exam Questions and Answers PDF Download: Test 11

MCQ 51:

If the speed of the sound wave is 340ms-1 and wavelength is 0.5m then the frequency is

  1. 720Hz
  2. 680Hz
  3. 10Hz
  4. 240Hz
MCQ 52:

Echoes may be heard more than once due to successive or multiple reflections

  1. deflections
  2. defraction
  3. refractions
  4. reflections
MCQ 53:

As compared to air, the speed of sound in liquids and solids is

  1. lower
  2. faster
  3. equal
  4. zero
MCQ 54:

Sound waves are mechanical because

  1. They require medium for propagation
  2. They don't require medium for propagation
  3. They are longitudinal
  4. They are transverse
MCQ 55:

The pitch of the sound depends upon

  1. amplitude
  2. loudness
  3. area
  4. frequency

Sound Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Sound App (Android & iOS)

Sound App (Android & iOS)

10th Grade Physics App (Android & iOS)

10th Grade Physics App (iOS & Android)

9th Grade Physics App (Android & iOS)

9th Grade Physics App (Android & iOS)

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SAT Physics App (iOS & Android)