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Force of Gravitation MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Force of gravitation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Force of Gravitation MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Grade 9 Physics Tests. Study Gravitation Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Force of Gravitation quiz answers PDF to study online schools courses. The Force of Gravitation MCQ App Download: Free learning app for force of gravitation, gravitational force, artificial satellites test prep for distance education.

The MCQ: If two masses are m1 and m2, distance is ‘d’, and constant of gravitation is ‘G’, then the gravitational force for attraction will be; "Force of Gravitation" App Download (Free) with answers: F = G (m1 m2/d²); F = G (m1 + m2/d²); F = G (m1 - m2/d²); F = G (d²/m1 - m2); to study online schools courses. Solve Gravitation Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for online secondary school classes.

Force of Gravitation MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The first man who came up with the idea of gravity was

  1. Henry Briggs
  2. John Napier
  3. Jobst Burgi
  4. Isaac Newton
MCQ 2:

If two masses are m1 and m2, distance is ‘d’, and constant of gravitation is ‘G’, then the gravitational force for attraction will be

  1. F = G (m1 m2/d²)
  2. F = G (m1 + m2/d²)
  3. F = G (m1 - m2/d²)
  4. F = G (d²/m1 - m2)
MCQ 3:

2 lead spheres having a mass of 1000 kg each are placed with their centers 1 m apart. The gravitational force with which they attract to each other will be

  1. 6.673 x105
  2. 66.73 x105
  3. 6673 x10-5
  4. 6.673 x10-5
MCQ 4:

The value of gravitation on moon's surface is 1.6 ms-1. The weight of a 100 kg body on the moon's surface will be

  1. 80 N
  2. 100 Ns
  3. 120 N
  4. 160 N
MCQ 5:

The gravitational pull of the Earth acting on the body whether the body is in contact with the Earth or not, such force is known as

  1. force of inertia
  2. force of limiting friction
  3. force of inertia
  4. field force

Class 9 Physics Practice Tests

Force of Gravitation Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Force of Gravitation App (Android & iOS)

Force of Gravitation App (Android & iOS)

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9th Grade Physics App (iOS & Android)

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