Class 9 Courses

Class 9 physics Practice Tests

Class 9 Physics Online Tests

Terms Associated with Motion MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Terms associated with motion Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Terms Associated with Motion MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Grade 9 Physics Tests. Study Kinematics Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Terms Associated with Motion quiz answers PDF to study distance learning courses. The Terms Associated with Motion MCQ App Download: Free learning app for motion of free falling bodies, motion of freely falling bodies, scalars and vectors, terms associated with motion test prep for school certificate.

The MCQ: Distance covered ⁄ time taken is equal to; "Terms Associated with Motion" App Download (Free) with answers: Speed; Velocity; Displacement; Position; to study distance learning courses. Solve Kinematics Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for online degrees.

Terms Associated with Motion MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Speed × time is equal to

  1. displacement
  2. distance
  3. velocity
  4. position
MCQ 2:

Distance covered ⁄ time taken is equal to

  1. speed
  2. velocity
  3. displacement
  4. position
MCQ 3:

If a body covers equal distances in equal intervals of time however short the interval maybe, then it has

  1. uniform velocity
  2. uniform speed
  3. uniform acceleration
  4. non-uniform velocity
MCQ 4:

A cyclist completes a half-round of a circular track of radius 420 meters in 3 minutes. Its speed will be

  1. 5 ms−1
  2. 8 ms−1
  3. 10 ms−1
  4. 7.33 ms−1
MCQ 5:

The distance covered by an object in unit time is called its

  1. speed
  2. velocity
  3. displacement
  4. position

Class 9 Physics Practice Tests

Terms Associated with Motion Learning App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

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Terms Associated with Motion App (Android & iOS)

Terms Associated with Motion App (Android & iOS)

9th Grade Physics App (Android & iOS)

9th Grade Physics App (iOS & Android)

College Physics App (Android & iOS)

College Physics App (Android & iOS)

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SAT Physics App (iOS & Android)