Class 10 Courses

Chapter 4: Class 10 Physics Exam Tests

Class 10 Physics MCQs - Chapter 4

Electromagnetism Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 15

The Electromagnetism Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (electromagnetism Quiz PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-15 to learn Grade 10 Physics Course. Solve Transformer MCQs PDF, Electromagnetism Quiz Questions and Answers to study high school online courses. The Electromagnetism Quiz App Download: Free learning app for transformer, magnetic field versus voltage, electromagnetic induction, electromagnetism test prep for online degrees.

The Quiz: To increase or decrease AC voltages, we use; "Electromagnetism" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Circuit breaker; Fuse; Transformer; Generator; to study high school online courses. Study Transformer MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for online degree programs.

Electromagnetism Exam Questions and Answers PDF Download: Test 15

MCQ 71:

To increase or decrease AC voltages, we use

  1. fuse
  2. circuit breaker
  3. transformer
  4. generator
MCQ 72:

The magnitude of induced e.m.f in a circuit depends on the

  1. speed of relative motion of coil
  2. speed of relative motion of magnet
  3. number of turns of the coil
  4. all of above
MCQ 73:

The value of induced Electromotive force (EMF) is directly proportional to

  1. current through coil
  2. voltage applied
  3. no. of field lines
  4. resistivity
MCQ 74:

When the surface is held parallel to the magnetic lines of force, the number of lines of force is

  1. negative
  2. zero
  3. maximum
  4. minimum
MCQ 75:

The number of magnetic lines of force passing through any surface is called

  1. nature of magnetic field
  2. strength of magnetic field
  3. work of magnetic field
  4. weakness of magnetic field

Electromagnetism Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Electromagnetism Quiz App to learn Electromagnetism Textbook, 10th Grade Physics Quiz App, and College Physics Quiz App. The "Electromagnetism" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Electromagnetism App (Android & iOS)

Electromagnetism App (Android & iOS)

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