Class 10 Courses

Chapter 7: Class 10 Biology Exam Tests

Class 10 Biology MCQs - Chapter 7

Man and Environment Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 19

The Man and environment Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (man and environment Quiz PDF e-Book) download Ch. 7-19 to learn Grade 10 Biology Course. Solve 10th Grade Biology Worksheets MCQs PDF, Man and Environment Quiz Questions and Answers to learn distance learning courses. The Man and Environment Quiz App Download: Free learning app for 10th grade biology worksheets, biology: pollution, levels of ecological organization, symbiosis, biology worksheets grade 10 test prep for online school courses.

The Quiz: The oxides of nitrogen (NO, NO2) are dissolved in water to form; "Man and Environment" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Citric acid and nitrous acid; Nitric acid and nitrous acid; Nitrates; Nitric acid and hydrogen; to learn distance learning courses. Study 10th Grade Biology Worksheets MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for online high school classes.

Man and Environment Exam Questions and Answers PDF Download: Test 19

MCQ 91:

The oxides of nitrogen (NO, NO2) are dissolved in water to form

  1. nitric acid and nitrous acid
  2. citric acid and nitrous acid
  3. nitrates
  4. nitric acid and hydrogen
MCQ 92:

The number of tanneries in Kasur city is

  1. 300
  2. 250
  3. 400
  4. 200
MCQ 93:

All the animals, Fungi, protozoa and many bacteria are examples of

  1. producer
  2. decomposer
  3. consumer
  4. biotic components
MCQ 94:

The type of symbiosis the smaller partner harms the larger partner and derives food from its body is called

  1. parasitism
  2. mutualism
  3. demonism
  4. commensalism
MCQ 95:

The building block of different types of bio-molecules is

  1. carbon atom
  2. nitrogen atom
  3. oxygen atom
  4. protein cycles

Man and Environment Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Man and Environment App (Android & iOS)

Man and Environment App (Android & iOS)

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