Class 9 Courses

Class 9 biology Practice Tests

Class 9 Biology Online Tests

Introduction to Nutrition MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Introduction to nutrition Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Introduction to Nutrition MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Grade 9 Biology Tests. Study Nutrition Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Introduction to Nutrition quiz answers PDF to study online certification courses. The Introduction to Nutrition MCQ App Download: Free learning app for human food components, oral cavity selection grinding and partial digestion, disorders of gut, famine and malnutrition test prep for distance education.

The MCQ: The organisms that obtain from some other organisms are classified as; "Introduction to Nutrition" App Download (Free) with answers: Prokaryotic organisms; Eukaryotic organisms; Heterotrophic organisms; Autotrophic organisms; to study online certification courses. Solve Nutrition Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for online secondary school classes.

Introduction to Nutrition MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The organisms that obtain minerals, water, and carbon dioxide from their environment to prepare the food are classified as

  1. heterotrophic organisms
  2. autotrophic organisms
  3. prokaryotic organisms
  4. eukaryotic organisms
MCQ 2:

The organisms that obtain from some other organisms are classified as

  1. prokaryotic organisms
  2. eukaryotic organisms
  3. heterotrophic organisms
  4. autotrophic organisms
MCQ 3:

The process in which food is prepared and converted into the substances needed for energy and growth is classified as

  1. nutrition
  2. respiration
  3. electrolysis
  4. metabolism

Class 9 Biology Practice Tests

Introduction to Nutrition Learning App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

The App: Introduction to Nutrition MCQs App to learn Introduction to Nutrition Textbook, 9th Grade Biology MCQ App, and 10th Grade Biology MCQ App. The "Introduction to Nutrition MCQs" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Introduction to Nutrition App (Android & iOS)

Introduction to Nutrition App (Android & iOS)

9th Grade Biology App (Android & iOS)

9th Grade Biology App (iOS & Android)

10th Grade Biology App (Android & iOS)

10th Grade Biology App (Android & iOS)

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