Class 9 Courses

Chapter 3: Class 9 Physics Exam Tests

Class 9 Physics MCQs - Chapter 3

Kinematics Trivia Questions & Answers PDF Download - 20

The Kinematics Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (kinematics Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-20 to study Grade 9 Physics Course. Practice Terms Associated with Motion MCQ PDF, Kinematics Quiz Questions and Answers to study distance learning courses. The Kinematics Trivia App Download: Free certification app for terms associated with motion, rest and motion, equations of motion, graphical analysis of motion test prep for online degree programs.

The Trivia MCQ: A cyclist completes half round of a circle track of radius 420 meters in 3 minutes. Its velocity will be; "Kinematics" App APK Download with answers: 5.33 ms−1; 4.67 ms−1; 2.8 ms−1; 3.5 ms−1; to study distance learning courses. Practice Terms Associated with Motion MCQ Questions, download Kindle eBook (Free Sample) for online learning.

Kinematics Test Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 20

MCQ 96:

A cyclist completes half round of a circle track of radius 420 meters in 3 minutes. Its velocity will be

  1. 4.67 ms−1
  2. 5.33 ms−1
  3. 2.8 ms−1
  4. 3.5 ms−1
MCQ 97:

A passenger John is sitting in a moving car, as per an observer outside the car, he is at

  1. position
  2. rest
  3. motion
  4. displacement
MCQ 98:

(Final velocity - initial velocity) is called

  1. position
  2. acceleration
  3. change in velocity
  4. displacement
MCQ 99:

A ball is thrown vertically upward. Its velocity at the highest point is

  1. zero
  2. 10 ms−1
  3. 15 ms−1
  4. 20 ms−1
MCQ 100:

A straight line parallel to time-axis on a distance-time graph tells that the object is

  1. at rest
  2. in motion
  3. moving with constant speed
  4. moving with variable speed

Kinematics Textbook App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

The App: Kinematics Quiz App to study Kinematics Textbook, 9th Grade Physics Quiz App, and O Level Physics Quiz App. The "Kinematics" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Kinematics App (Android & iOS)

Kinematics App (Android & iOS)

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