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Chapter 2: Class 9 English Exam Tests

Class 9 English MCQs - Chapter 2

Direct Speech and Indirect Speech Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download - 2

The Book Direct speech and indirect speech Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), direct speech and indirect speech MCQ with Answers PDF download, e-Book Ch. 2-2 for online classes. Practice Direct and Indirect Speech Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), direct speech and indirect speech quiz questions and answers to learn online certification courses. Direct Speech and Indirect Speech MCQs PDF: direct and indirect speech test prep for free online classes.

The Quiz: He said, "I cannot understand your words sister, please repeat for me again." PDF, "direct speech and indirect speech Quiz" App (Android & iOS) with choices he said to his sister that he could not understand her words and wanted her to repeat for him again., he said to his sister that he cannot understand her words and want her to repeat for him again., he said to his sister that he cannot be understand her words and wants her to repeat for him again., and he said to his sister that i cannot understand her words and what her to repeat for him again. to learn online certification courses. Solve direct and indirect speech quiz questions for school certificate programs for distance education.

Direct Speech and Indirect Speech Quiz PDF Download: English Test 2

MCQ 6:

He said, "I cannot understand your words sister, please repeat for me again."

  1. He said to his sister that he cannot understand her words and want her to repeat for him again.
  2. He said to his sister that he could not understand her words and wanted her to repeat for him again.
  3. He said to his sister that he cannot be understand her words and wants her to repeat for him again.
  4. He said to his sister that I cannot understand her words and what her to repeat for him again.
MCQ 7:

He said, "Would that my father was alive today to see my great success!"

  1. He wished that his father had been lived that day to see his great success.
  2. He wishes that his father has been lived that day to see great success.
  3. He wished that his father had lived that day to see his great success.
  4. He wished that his father alive that day to see his great success.
MCQ 8:

"Stop watching cartoons", father said to the child, "start doing your homework."

  1. Father said to the child, Do not watch cartoons and start doing your homework.
  2. Father ordered to the child stop watching cartoons and start doing his homework.
  3. Father orders to the child stop watching cartoons and starts doing his homework.
  4. Father ordered to the child, Do not watch cartoons and do you homework.
MCQ 9:

He said to me, "What you have mentioned to make a story interesting".

  1. He said me what I mentioned to make a story interesting.
  2. He asked me what I had mentioned to make a story interesting.
  3. He asked me what I have mentioned to make a story interesting.
  4. He asked what I had been mentioned to make a story interesting..
MCQ 10:

He is saying, "I have seen many precious paintings in the Art Gallery".

  1. He is saying the he had seen many precious printings in the Art Gallery.
  2. He is saying that he has seen many precious paintings in the Art Gallery.
  3. He is saying that he had been seen many precious paintings in the Art Gallery.
  4. He said that he has seen many precious paintings in the Art Gallery.

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Direct Speech and Indirect Speech App (Android & iOS)

Direct Speech and Indirect Speech App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (iOS & Android)

Fluid Mechanics App (Android & iOS)

Fluid Mechanics App (Android & iOS)

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