Class 9 Courses

Chapter 1: Class 9 English Exam Tests

Class 9 English MCQs - Chapter 1

Active and Passive Sentences Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download - 10

The Book Active and passive sentences Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), active and passive sentences MCQ with Answers PDF download, e-Book Ch. 1-10 for online classes. Practice Active and Passive Voice Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), active and passive sentences quiz questions and answers to learn distance learning courses. Active and Passive Sentences MCQs PDF: active and passive voice test prep for distance learning.

The Quiz: He knew me. PDF, "active and passive sentences Quiz" App (Android & iOS) with choices i am known by him., i was known by him., i was being known by him., and i am being known by him. to learn distance learning courses. Solve active and passive voice quiz questions for school certificate programs for online certificate courses.

Active and Passive Sentences Quiz PDF Download: English Test 10

MCQ 46:

He knew me.

  1. I was known by him.
  2. I am known by him.
  3. I was being known by him.
  4. I am being known by him.
MCQ 47:

They jumped crossed the road, when they saw police car.

  1. When police was seen by them, they jumped across the road.
  2. When police car seen by them, they jumped across the road.
  3. When police car was been seen by them, they jumped across the road.
  4. When police car was been seen by them, they jumped across the road.
MCQ 48:

How many items had he sold? When I checked the box was not empty

  1. How many items had sold by him? I checked the box was not empty.
  2. How many items had been sold by him? I checked the box was not empty
  3. How many items sold by him? I checked the box was not empty
  4. How many items were sold by him? I checked the box was not empty.

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Active and Passive Sentences App (Android & iOS)

Active and Passive Sentences App (Android & iOS)

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