Class 9 Courses

Chapter 1: Class 9 English Exam Tests

Class 9 English MCQs - Chapter 1

Active and Passive Sentences Trivia Questions & Answers PDF Download - 8

The Book Active and passive sentences Trivia Questions, active and passive sentences Quiz with Answers PDF download, e-Book Ch. 1-8 for online learning. Practice Active and Passive Voice MCQs, active and passive sentences quiz questions and answers to learn online schools courses. Active and Passive Sentences MCQ PDF: active and passive voice test prep for taking online classes.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): When I reached the school the class started. PDF, "active and passive sentences Quiz" App APK (Free) with choices the class had started when i reached the school., the class started when i reached the school., the class had being started when i reached the school., and the class had been started when i reached school. to learn online schools courses. Solve active and passive voice quiz questions for school certificate programs for free online courses.

Active and Passive Sentences Quizzes PDF Download: English Test 8

MCQ 36:

When I reached the school the class started.

  1. The class started when I reached the school.
  2. The class had started when I reached the school.
  3. The class had being started when I reached the school.
  4. The class had been started when I reached school.
MCQ 37:

We cannot reckon on spending so much on repairs

  1. It could not reckoned by us on spending so much on repairs
  2. It cannot be reckoned by us on spending so much on repairs
  3. It could not be reckoned by us on spending so much on repai
  4. It cannot been reckoned by us on spending so much repairs
MCQ 38:

The workers will bring up this issue during the meeting.

  1. This issue will brought up by the workers during the meeting.
  2. This issue will been brought up by the workers during the meeting.
  3. This issue will be brought up by the workers during the meeting.
  4. This issue would brought up by the workers during the meeting.
MCQ 39:

Why do your children give to the TV all day?

  1. Why the TV give by your children all day?
  2. Why was the TV give by your children all day?
  3. Why is the TV give by your children all day?
  4. Why are the TV give by your children all day?
MCQ 40:

Why are they sending ambassador to England.

  1. Why is ambassador being sent to England
  2. Why ambassador sent to England
  3. Why was ambassador sent to England to given him a special task by them?
  4. Why is ambassador sent to England

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