Chapter 6: Class 8 Math Exam Tests
Class 8 Math MCQs - Chapter 6
The Trigonometric ratios Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Trigonometric Ratios MCQ PDF e-Book) download Ch. 6-2 to learn Grade 8 Math Course. Study Solving Right Angled Triangles Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) PDF, Trigonometric Ratios Quiz Questions and Answers to study e-learning courses. The Trigonometric Ratios MCQ App Download: Free educational app for solving right angled triangles, trigonometrical ratios, practical trigonometry applications, applications of trigonometry test prep for virtual elementary school.
The MCQs: Considering a right-angled triangle ABC, if opposite side is '12' and adjacent side of triangle is supposed as 'x' then A 48° is; "Trigonometric Ratios" App (Android, iOS) with answers: 17.31; 15.31; 18.31; 19.31; to study e-learning courses. Practice Solving Right Angled Triangles MCQ Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for online schools.
Considering a right-angled triangle ABC, if opposite side is '12' and adjacent side of triangle is supposed as 'x' then A 48° is
Consider a right angle triangle XYZ, XY = a, YZ = b, XZ = 25.6 and angle of X is 37° then the values of a and b respectively are
The sin P of triangle PQR with respect to P is calculated as
A bundle of 10 balloons has string of 35 cm attached to it and makes and elevation angle of 40°. The distance of balloons from the holders hand is
The height of a light house is 65 m. The angles of elevation and depression of the top and foot of a radar mast are 52° and 30° respectively. The height of radar mast is
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