Class 8 Online Courses

Class 8 math Practice Tests

Class 8 Math Online Tests

Solving Right Angled Triangles Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free Solving right angled triangles Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (Solving Right Angled Triangles MCQ PDF Book) download to learn 8th grade math online courses. Solve Trigonometric Ratios Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Solving Right Angled Triangles quiz answers PDF to study e-learning courses. The Solving Right Angled Triangles MCQ App Download: Free learning app for angles and trigonometrical ratio, use of simple calculator, solving right angled triangles, applications of trigonometry test prep for online schools.

The MCQ: Considering a right-angled triangle ABC, if opposite side is 'x' and adjacent side of triangle is equal to 20 then A 53° is; "Solving Right Angled Triangles" App Download (Free) with answers 23.46, 24.46, 26.54 and 28.64 to study e-learning courses. Solve trigonometric ratios quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for distance learning.

Solving Right Angled Triangles MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: Considering a right-angled triangle ABC, if opposite side is 'x' and adjacent side of triangle is equal to 20 then A 53° is

  1. 23.46
  2. 24.46
  3. 26.54
  4. 28.64

MCQ 2: Considering a right-angled triangle ABC, if opposite side is '12' and adjacent side of triangle is supposed as 'x' then A 48° is

  1. 15.31
  2. 17.31
  3. 18.31
  4. 19.31

MCQ 3: Consider a right angle triangle XYZ, XY = a, YZ = b, XZ = 25.6 and angle of X is 37° then the values of a and b respectively are

  1. 19.604, 40.045
  2. 18.604, 42.025
  3. 17.406, 21.455
  4. 15.406, 20.445

MCQ 4: If a right angle triangle ABC has 13 as opposite side and hypotenuse is supposed as 'x' then A 47° is

  1. 15.77
  2. 17.77
  3. 19.77
  4. 21.77

MCQ 5: In a right angle triangle ABC, if AB = x, BC = y, AC = 19 and angle of A is 32.4° then the values of x and y respectively are

  1. 16.04, 10.17
  2. 14.04, 11.17
  3. 9.04, 12.17
  4. 13.04, 13.17

Class 8 Math Practice Tests

Solving Right Angled Triangles Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Solving Right Angled Triangles App (Android & iOS)

Solving Right Angled Triangles App (Android & iOS)

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