Class 8 math Practice Tests
Class 8 Math Online Tests
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The MCQ: In public library, 30% of books are classified as fiction and remainder as non-fiction. There are total 2400 more non-fiction books than fiction books. The number of books in fiction category are; "Percentage Calculations" App Download (Free) with answers: 2000; 1900; 1750; 1800; to study online homeschool courses. Solve Math Applications Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for online teaching certification programs.
In a city book store, 70% of books are classified as non-fiction and remainder as fiction. There are total 2400 more non-fiction books than fiction books. The owner wants to increase non-fiction books by 5% at an average cost of $22. The cost of new non-fiction books is
In public library, 30% of books are classified as fiction and remainder as non-fiction. There are total 2400 more non-fiction books than fiction books. The number of books in fiction category are
In a city book store, 70% of books are classified as non-fiction and remainder as fiction. There are total 2400 more non-fiction books than fiction books. The owner wants to increase fiction books by 7% at an average cost of $35. The cost of new fiction books is
In college library, 30% of books are classified as fiction and remainder as non-fiction. There are 2400 more books non-fiction category than fiction category. The total number of non-fiction books in library are
In public library, 30% of books are classified as fiction and remainder as non-fiction. There are total 2400 more non-fiction books than fiction books. The total number of books in library is
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