Class 7 Courses

Chapter 6: Class 7 Science Exam Tests

Class 7 Science MCQs - Chapter 6

Electrical Circuits and Electric Currents Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 11

The Electrical circuits and electric currents Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (electrical circuits and electric currents Quiz PDF e-Book) download Ch. 6-11 to learn Grade 7 Science Course. Solve Uses of Electromagnets MCQs PDF, Electrical Circuits and Electric Currents Quiz Questions and Answers for homeschool certification courses. The Electrical Circuits and Electric Currents Quiz App Download: Free learning app for uses of electromagnets, fuses and circuit breakers, magnetic effect and electric current, series and parallel circuits, electrical circuits and currents test prep for virtual online school.

The Quiz: To and fro movement of coil makes the cone; "Electrical Circuits and Electric Currents" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Thick; Thin; Vibrate; Oscillate; for homeschool certification courses. Study Uses of Electromagnets MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for school certificate.

Electrical Circuits and Electric Currents Exam Questions and Answers PDF Download: Test 11

MCQ 51:

To and fro movement of coil makes the cone

  1. thin
  2. thick
  3. vibrate
  4. oscillate
MCQ 52:

Circuit breakers work

  1. constantly
  2. only once
  3. when there is resistance
  4. when there is magnetic field
MCQ 53:

The scientist who discovered relation between electricity and magnetic field was

  1. French
  2. Spanish
  3. Danish
  4. British
MCQ 54:

In series, if one bulb goes out, others will

  1. stay on
  2. also turn off
  3. blow up
  4. heat up
MCQ 55:

Protons have

  1. positive charge
  2. negative charge
  3. no charge
  4. double charge

Electrical Circuits and Electric Currents Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Electrical Circuits and Electric Currents Quiz App to learn Electrical Circuits and Electric Currents Textbook, 7th Grade Science Quiz App, and 6th Grade Science Quiz App. The "Electrical Circuits and Electric Currents" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Electrical Circuits and Electric Currents App (Android & iOS)

Electrical Circuits and Electric Currents App (Android & iOS)

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7th Grade Science App (iOS & Android)

6th Grade Science App (Android & iOS)

6th Grade Science App (Android & iOS)

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