Chapter 10: Class 6 Math Exam Tests
Class 6 Math MCQs - Chapter 10
The Number sequences Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Number Sequences MCQ PDF e-Book) download Ch. 10-2 to learn Grade 6 Math Course. Study Number Sequences Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) PDF, Number Sequences Quiz Questions and Answers to study online schools courses. The Number Sequences MCQ App Download: Free educational app for number sequences test prep for online classes.
The MCQs: In the following sequence 2, 10, 50, 250, the next three numbers will be; "Number Sequences" App (Android, iOS) with answers: 1800, 6400, 32000; 2000, 10500, 36000; 1500, 6500, 35000; 1250, 6250, 31250; to study online schools courses. Practice Number Sequences MCQ Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for online school and college.
In the following sequence 2, 10, 50, 250, the next three numbers will be
Considering the pattern (2 + 2)²⁄2 = 8, (4 + 2)²⁄2 = 18, (6 + 2)²⁄2 = 32, (8 + 2)²⁄2 = 50, (10 + 2)²⁄2 = 72, the 7th line in the pattern will be
If following pattern is considered (2 + 2)²⁄2 = 8, (4 + 2)²⁄2 = 18, (6 + 2)²⁄2 = 32, (8 + 2)²⁄2 = 50, (10 + 2)²⁄2 = 72, the value of 'x' in pattern (x + 2)²⁄2 = 200 is
Considering the following pattern 2² + 1 = 5, 3² + 1 = 10, 4² + 17, 5² + 1 = 26, . . . . . . ., the 8th line in the pattern is
If following pattern is considered 2 x (2 + 2) = 8, 3 x (3 + 2) = 15, 4 x (4 + 2) = 24, 5 x (5 + 2) = 35, . . . . . . . . . . . . ., then the value of 'a' in this pattern a x (a + 2) = 168 will be
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