Class 6 Courses

Chapter 3: Class 6 Math Exam Tests

Class 6 Math MCQs - Chapter 3

Arithmetical Problems and Percentages Trivia Questions & Answers PDF Download - 4

The Arithmetical problems and percentages Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (arithmetical problems and percentages Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-4 to study Grade 6 Math Course. Practice Increasing Decreasing Quantities MCQ PDF, Arithmetical Problems and Percentages Quiz Questions and Answers to learn online classes courses. The Arithmetical Problems and Percentages Trivia App Download: Free certification app for increasing decreasing quantities, commission calculations, expressing quantities and percentage, tax calculations test prep for online elementary school.

The Quiz: The number if decreased by 25% becomes 150. The original number before decrease was; "Arithmetical Problems and Percentages" App APK Download with answers: 220; 240; 230; 200; to learn online classes courses. Practice Increasing Decreasing Quantities MCQ Questions, download Kindle eBook (Free Sample) for online degree programs.

Arithmetical Problems and Percentages Test Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 4

MCQ 16:

The number if decreased by 25% becomes 150. The original number before decrease was

  1. 240
  2. 220
  3. 230
  4. 200
MCQ 17:

In month of July, an estate agent gets a commission of $200 on his sale of apartment. He sells another apartment for $150 000 and gets a commission of 4.5%. The total commission an agent gets is

  1. $6,950
  2. $6,540
  3. $6,705
  4. $5,960
MCQ 18:

The 58% of 450 liter is

  1. 285 liter
  2. 261 liter
  3. 275 liter
  4. 280 liter
MCQ 19:

An increment of 6% is offered to employees in the company. If monthly salary of Mary after increment is $1860 then her original monthly salary before income is

  1. $1,557
  2. $1,875
  3. $1,755
  4. $1,785
MCQ 20:

The total amount of money a buyer has to pay if he bought an antique article marked at $500 with a 15% value-added tax imposed on it is

  1. $630
  2. $614
  3. $620
  4. $575

Arithmetical Problems and Percentages Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Arithmetical Problems and Percentages App (Android & iOS)

Arithmetical Problems and Percentages App (Android & iOS)

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6th Grade Math App (iOS & Android)

10th Grade Math App (Android & iOS)

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