Class 6 Courses

Chapter 3: Class 6 Math Exam Tests

Class 6 Math MCQs - Chapter 3

Arithmetical Problems and Percentages Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 3

The Arithmetical problems and percentages Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (arithmetical problems and percentages Quiz PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-3 to learn Grade 6 Math Course. Solve Percentage Comparison MCQs PDF, Arithmetical Problems and Percentages Quiz Questions and Answers for online certificate programs. The Arithmetical Problems and Percentages Quiz App Download: Free learning app for percentage comparison, discount calculations, how to do percentages, expressing quantities and percentage, increasing decreasing quantities test prep for distance learning.

The Quiz: Ana is a school teacher and earns $4000/month and Chris is a retail store manager and earns $6000/month. If Ana gives $3000 in annual charity function of orphanage and Chris gives $3500 in the same function then the one who gave more money in charity is; "Arithmetical Problems and Percentages" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Chris gave 4% of her income in charity; Ana gave 7.5% of her income in charity; Ana gave 6.25% of her income in charity; Chris gave 7% of her income in charity; for online certificate programs. Study Percentage Comparison MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for online degree programs.

Arithmetical Problems and Percentages Exam Questions and Answers PDF Download: Test 3

MCQ 11:

Ana is a school teacher and earns $4000/month and Chris is a retail store manager and earns $6000/month. If Ana gives $3000 in annual charity function of orphanage and Chris gives $3500 in the same function then the one who gave more money in charity is

  1. Ana gave 7.5% of her income in charity
  2. Chris gave 4% of her income in charity
  3. Ana gave 6.25% of her income in charity
  4. Chris gave 7% of her income in charity
MCQ 12:

If the selling price for laptop is $1100 and is marked down by 30% in promotional offers then sale price after discount is

  1. $820
  2. $790
  3. $770
  4. $870
MCQ 13:

If the price of rice in 2014 is $20/kg which was 30% more than what it was in 2010 then the price of rice per kg in 2010 was

  1. $16.38
  2. $14.38
  3. $15.38
  4. $17
MCQ 14:

The 130% of 60m is

  1. 78m
  2. 80m
  3. 85m
  4. 89m
MCQ 15:

The number if increased by 35% becomes 200. The original number was

  1. 168
  2. 135
  3. 148
  4. 152

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