Class 10 Courses

Chapter 7: Class 10 Chemistry Exam Tests

Class 10 Chemistry MCQs - Chapter 7

Environmental Chemistry II Water Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 11

The Environmental chemistry ii water Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (environmental chemistry ii water Quiz PDF e-Book) download Ch. 7-11 to learn Grade 10 Chemistry Course. Solve Waterborne Diseases MCQs PDF, Environmental Chemistry II Water Quiz Questions and Answers to study online high school courses. The Environmental Chemistry II Water Quiz App Download: Free learning app for waterborne diseases, properties of water, disadvantages of hard water test prep for distance learning.

The Quiz: Which of the following is a disease that proceeds from obstruction of the liver; "Environmental Chemistry II Water" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Dysentery; Cholera; Jaundice; Hepatitis; to study online high school courses. Study Waterborne Diseases MCQ Questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for online certificate courses.

Environmental Chemistry II Water Exam Questions and Answers PDF Download: Test 11

MCQ 51:

Which of the following is a disease that proceeds from obstruction of the liver?

  1. cholera
  2. dysentery
  3. jaundice
  4. hepatitis
MCQ 52:

How much percentage of the Earth's crust is covered by water?

  1. 0.69
  2. 0.71
  3. 0.8
  4. 0.75
MCQ 53:

Hard water can block radiators due to the formation of

  1. insoluble calcium and magnesium salts
  2. insoluble sodium salts
  3. insoluble phosphate salts
  4. insoluble potassium salts
MCQ 54:

What is the total amount of water present on Earth?

  1. 1.33 billion cubic kilometers
  2. 1.33 billion cubic meters
  3. 1.33 million cubic kilometers
  4. 1.33 million cubic meters
MCQ 55:

Ice floats on top of the water because

  1. water expands on freezing
  2. water contracts on freezing
  3. ice is lighter than water
  4. none of above

Environmental Chemistry II Water Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Environmental Chemistry II Water App (Android & iOS)

Environmental Chemistry II Water App (Android & iOS)

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