Class 10 Online Courses

Class 10 biology Practice Tests

Class 10 Biology Online Tests

Endocrine System Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The e-Book Endocrine system Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, Endocrine System MCQ PDF download to learn free 10th grade biology online courses. Solve Coordination and Control Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Endocrine System quiz answers PDF for online certificate programs. The Endocrine System MCQ App Download: Free learning app for coordination, endocrine system test prep for online courses.

The MCQ: Major part of the pancreas is; "Endocrine System" App Download (Free) with answers ducted, fluid filled, ductless and non fluid filled for online certificate programs. Solve coordination and control quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for distance learning classes.

Endocrine System MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The major part of the pancreas is

A) ducted
B) fluid filled
C) ductless
D) non fluid filled

MCQ 2: In positive feedback, the rate of a process

A) increases
B) remains constant
C) changes
D) decreases

MCQ 3: The hormones secreted by islets of Langerhans are

A) estrogen and progesterone
B) calcitonin and oxytocin
C) insulin and glucagon
D) vasopressin and oxytocin

MCQ 4: Glands that have ducts are called

A) endocrine glands
B) exocrine glands
C) ductless glands
D) non fluid filled

MCQ 5: The types of feedback mechanism are

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

Class 10 Biology Practice Tests

Endocrine System Learning App & Free Study Apps

Download Endocrine System MCQs App to learn Endocrine System, 10th Grade Biology MCQs App, and Cell Biology MCQ Apps. The "Endocrine System MCQs" App to download free Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Endocrine System App (Android & iOS)

Endocrine System App (Android & iOS)

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