Class 8 Courses

Chapter 7: Earth Science Exam Tests

Earth Science MCQs - Chapter 7

Earthquakes Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 5

The Earthquakes Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (earthquakes MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 7-5 to study Earth Science Course. Learn Earthquakes Quiz Questions and Answers to learn online classes courses. The Earthquakes MCQs App Download: Free learning app for locating earthquake, earthquake forecasting, seismic waves test prep for online courses.

The MCQ: The point on which the first motion is felt is called; "Earthquakes" App Download (Free) with answers: Epicenter; Focus; Center; Boundary; to learn online classes courses. Solve Locating Earthquake MCQ Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for distance learning classes.

Earthquakes MCQs with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 5

MCQ 21:

The point on which the first motion is felt is called

  1. focus
  2. epicenter
  3. center
  4. boundary
MCQ 22:

The process of tracing earthquake motion is called

  1. seismologist
  2. seismograph
  3. seismogram
  4. epicenter
MCQ 23:

An area where few earthquakes occurs now but in history it has strong earthquakes is called

  1. gap prediction
  2. gap hypothesis
  3. seismic waves
  4. seismic gap
MCQ 24:

A prediction of some area which is likely to have damaging earthquakes in future is called

  1. earthquake hazard
  2. earthquake forecasting
  3. earthquake hypothesis
  4. none of them
MCQ 25:

Another name for s wave is

  1. secondary wave
  2. selected wave
  3. surface wave
  4. strong wave

Earthquakes Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Earthquakes MCQs App to learn Earthquakes Textbook, Earth Science MCQ App, and 7th Grade Science MCQs App. The "Earthquakes" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Earthquakes App (Android & iOS)

Earthquakes App (Android & iOS)

Earth Science App (Android & iOS)

Earth Science App (iOS & Android)

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