Class 8 Courses

Chapter 5: Earth Science Exam Tests

Earth Science MCQs - Chapter 5

Earth Models and Maps Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 25

The Earth models and maps Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (earth models and maps MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-25 to study Earth Science Course. Learn Earth Models and Maps Quiz Questions and Answers for high school certification courses. The Earth Models and Maps MCQs App Download: Free learning app for map projections, earth system science, direction on earth, modern mapmaking test prep for school certificate.

The MCQ: A map projection that is made when the contents of the globe are moved onto a cylinder of paper is called; "Earth Models and Maps" App Download (Free) with answers: Conic projection; Cylindrical projection; Azimuthal projection; Equal-Area projection; for high school certification courses. Solve Map Projections MCQ Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online degrees.

Earth Models and Maps MCQs with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 25

MCQ 121:

A map projection that is made when the contents of the globe are moved onto a cylinder of paper is called

  1. Cylindrical projection
  2. Conic projection
  3. Azimuthal projection
  4. Equal-Area projection
MCQ 122:

A fixed point on Earth's surface from which direction and location can be described is known as

  1. Landmark
  2. Reference Point
  3. Perfect Point
  4. Fixed Point
MCQ 123:

Magnetic declination is measured in

  1. degrees
  2. kilometers
  3. meters
  4. miles
MCQ 124:

A way of collecting information about something without physically being there is known as

  1. Detailed Image Processing
  2. Remote Sensing
  3. Digital Image Stabilizing
  4. Remote Image Generation
MCQ 125:

Many of today's maps are made by

  1. remote sensing
  2. exploring
  3. discovering
  4. detailed image processing

Earth Models and Maps Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Earth Models and Maps App (Android & iOS)

Earth Models and Maps App (Android & iOS)

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Earth Science App (iOS & Android)

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