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Chapter 9: Class 9 Math Exam Tests

Class 9 Math MCQs - Chapter 9

Factorization Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 1

The e-Book Factorization Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), factorization MCQ Quiz PDF download, test 1 to study free class 9 math online courses. Practice Factorization MCQs PDF, factorization quiz questions and answers to learn online classes courses. The Factorization MCQs App Download: Free learning app for factorization, remainder theorem and factor theorem test prep for virtual online school.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): Simplest form of ac + ad + bc + bd is; "Factorization" App Download (Free) with answers ab(c + d), (a + c)(b + b), bc(c + d) and (a + b)(c + d) to learn online classes courses. Solve factorization quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online certifications.

Factorization Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1: The simplest form of ac + ad + bc + bd is

A) (a + c)(b + b)
B) ab(c + d)
C) bc(c + d)
D) (a + b)(c + d)

MCQ 2: The factors of 4a² - 16 are

A) 4(a-2)(a-2)
B) 4(a-2)(a + 2)
C) (a-2)(a + 2)
D) 4(a + 2)(a + 2)

MCQ 3: When 9x² - 6x + 2 is divided by x -3, the remainder will be

A) 60
B) 15 ⁄ 2
C) 65
D) 19 ⁄ 5

MCQ 4: If a polynomial p(x) is divided by a linear divisor (x-a), then the remainder is

A) p(a)
B) p(1)
C) p(0)
D) p(x)

MCQ 5: When 3x³ - 10x² + 13x - 6 is divided by x-2, the remainder will be

A) 5
B) 0
C) 3
D) 4

Factorization Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Factorization App (Android & iOS)

Factorization App (Android & iOS)

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