Class 9 Courses

Chapter 6: Class 9 English Exam Tests

Class 9 English MCQs - Chapter 6

Types of Pronouns Quiz Questions & Answers PDF Download - 3

The Book Types of pronouns Quiz Questions, types of pronouns Quiz with Answers PDF download, e-Book Ch. 6-3 for online certificates. Practice Pronoun MCQs, types of pronouns quiz questions and answers to study high school online courses. Types of Pronouns Quiz PDF: pronoun test prep for online certifications.

The MCQ Quiz: Which is the possessive pronoun in the sentence "Just have a look on newspaper, you will find a space for your advertisement." PDF, "types of pronouns MCQs" App (iOS & Android) with choices will, you, your, and have to study high school online courses. Solve pronoun quiz questions for school certificate programs for distance education.

Types of Pronouns MCQs PDF Download: English Quiz 3

MCQ 11:

Which is the possessive pronoun in the sentence "Just have a look on newspaper, you will find a space for your advertisement."

  1. you
  2. will
  3. your
  4. have
MCQ 12:

Which is the objective pronoun in the sentences "He has big hairy dog with sharp teeth, barked at me."

  1. he
  2. at
  3. has
  4. me
MCQ 13:

Which is the singular pronoun in the sentence "She had to go back to home, because she forgot her bag."

  1. she
  2. to
  3. her
  4. had
MCQ 14:

Which is the objective pronoun in the sentence "We lost our way, because we did not have guide with us in the dark forest."

  1. in
  2. we
  3. our
  4. us
MCQ 15:

Which is the interrogative pronoun in the sentence "Whom would you like to invite on your birthday party?"

  1. you
  2. your
  3. would
  4. whom

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