Class 9 Courses

Chapter 6: Class 9 Biology Exam Tests

Class 9 Biology MCQs - Chapter 6

Enzymes Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Enzymes Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (enzymes MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 6-1 to study Grade 9 Biology Course. Learn Enzymes Quiz Questions and Answers to learn distance learning courses. The Enzymes MCQs App Download: Free learning app for characteristics of enzymes, mechanism of enzyme action, class 9 biology: enzymes test prep for online secondary school courses.

The MCQ: The catalytic region in which a small portion of molecules are involved in catalysis is called; "Enzymes" App Download (Free) with answers: Absorption site; Duplication site; Active site; Inactive site; to learn distance learning courses. Solve Characteristics of Enzymes MCQ Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online school and college.

Enzymes MCQs with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

The catalytic region in which a small portion of molecules are involved in catalysis is called

  1. duplication site
  2. absorption site
  3. active site
  4. inactive site
MCQ 2:

The regulators of enzymatic reactions are classified as

  1. activators only
  2. converters only
  3. inhibitors
  4. activators and converters
MCQ 3:

The model which states that specific shapes are possessed by substrate and enzyme is known as

  1. deduction model
  2. induction model
  3. lock and key model
  4. arrow and shield model
MCQ 4:

The model proposed by Emil Fischer is known as

  1. arrow and shield model
  2. deduction model
  3. induction model
  4. lock and key model
MCQ 5:

The kind of molecules at which the enzymes act are classified as

  1. solutes
  2. concentrates
  3. nitrates
  4. substrates

Enzymes Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Enzymes MCQs App to learn Enzymes Textbook, 9th Grade Biology MCQ App, and SAT Biology MCQs App. The "Enzymes" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Enzymes App (Android & iOS)

Enzymes App (Android & iOS)

9th Grade Biology App (Android & iOS)

9th Grade Biology App (iOS & Android)

SAT Biology App (Android & iOS)

SAT Biology App (Android & iOS)

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A level Biology App (iOS & Android)