Class 7 Courses

Chapter 15: Class 7 Science Exam Tests

Class 7 Science MCQs - Chapter 15

Mixtures Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download - 6

The Mixtures Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Mixtures MCQ PDF e-Book) download Ch. 15-6 to learn Grade 7 Science Course. Study Separating Mixtures Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) PDF, Mixtures Quiz Questions and Answers to learn online courses. The Mixtures MCQ App Download: Free educational app for separating mixtures, what is mixture test prep for online certifications.

The MCQs: The solid particles which are left on filter paper while filtration is called; "Mixtures" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Filtrate; Residue; Solvent; Solute; to learn online courses. Practice Separating Mixtures MCQ Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for online elementary school courses.

Mixtures MCQs with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 6

MCQ 26:

The solid particles which are left on filter paper while filtration is called

  1. residue
  2. filtrate
  3. solvent
  4. solute
MCQ 27:

Light bulbs are filled with

  1. helium gas
  2. neon gas
  3. argon gas
  4. hydrogen gas
MCQ 28:

A mixture of oxygen gas and 'acetylene' is used for

  1. scuba diving
  2. welding
  3. spaceships
  4. hot air balloons
MCQ 29:

Nitrogen is used to preserve food by freezing

  1. solid state
  2. liquid state
  3. molten state
  4. vapor state
MCQ 30:

Minerals in water include

  1. calcium
  2. magnesium
  3. potassium
  4. all of above

Mixtures Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

The App: Mixtures MCQ App to study Mixtures Textbook, 7th Grade Science MCQs App, and 8th Grade Science MCQs App. The "Mixtures MCQ" App to free download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Mixtures App (Android & iOS)

Mixtures App (Android & iOS)

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7th Grade Science App (iOS & Android)

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