Class 7 Online Courses

Chapter 3: Class 7 Science Exam Tests

Class 7 Science MCQs - Chapter 3

Atoms Molecules and Ions Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 7

The e-Book Atoms molecules and ions Quiz Questions and Answers, atoms molecules and ions Quiz Answers PDF download, test 7 to study free class 7 science online courses. Download Chemical Formulae of Molecular Element and Compound MCQs PDF, atoms molecules and ions quiz questions and answers to learn online classes courses. The Atoms Molecules and Ions Quiz App Download: Free learning app for chemical formulae of molecular element and compound, what is atom, what is molecule, what is ion test prep for distance education.

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Atoms Molecules and Ions Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 7

MCQ 31: In nucleus, mass of an atom is more than

  1. 0.9994
  2. 0.9499
  3. 0.9949
  4. 0.4999

MCQ 32: A theory of movement of electrons in a fixed orbit around nucleus was given by

  1. Thomson's Model
  2. Rutherford's Model
  3. Dalton's Model
  4. Bohr Model

MCQ 33: Two or more atoms chemically combined together form a

  1. atom
  2. molecule
  3. nucleus
  4. atomic number

MCQ 34: An electrically charged particle which is formed when an atom gains or loses electron is called

  1. ion
  2. charge
  3. formula
  4. neutron

MCQ 35: The number and types of atoms a molecule contain, are shown by its

  1. chemical formula
  2. molecular formula
  3. structural formula
  4. atomic formula

Atoms Molecules and Ions Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Atoms Molecules and Ions App (Android & iOS)

Atoms Molecules and Ions App (Android & iOS)

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