Chapter 6: Class 6 English Exam Tests
Class 6 English MCQs - Chapter 6
The Book What is verb Quiz Questions, what is verb Quiz with Answers PDF download, e-Book Ch. 6-3 for online certificates. Practice Verbs MCQs, what is verb quiz questions and answers to learn online school courses. What is Verb Quiz PDF: verbs test prep for online degrees.
The MCQ Quiz: I ___________ recognize her when I was crossing the road. PDF, "what is verb MCQs" App (iOS & Android) with choices was not, cannot, could not, and are not to learn online school courses. Solve verbs quiz questions for school certificate programs for taking online classes.
I ___________ recognize her when I was crossing the road.
He ___________ not accept my proposal when I asked him.
I was going to ___________ my eggs.
In summer, the sun ___________ brightly.
You ___________ abide by office rules.
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