Class 6 Courses

Chapter 4: Class 6 English Exam Tests

Class 6 English MCQs - Chapter 4

Prepositions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 25

The Book Prepositions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), prepositions MCQs with Answers PDF download, e-Book Ch. 4-25 for online courses. Practice Verbs and Prepositions MCQs, prepositions quiz questions and answers to study online classes courses. Prepositions MCQ PDF: verbs and prepositions, adjective and prepositions test prep for online education programs.

The MCQ: Have I achieved all objectives ____ this unit? PDF, "prepositions" App Download (Free) with choices on, at, to, and for to study online classes courses. Solve verbs and prepositions quiz questions for school certificate programs for elementary school graduation certificate.

Prepositions MCQs PDF Download: English Quiz 25

MCQ 121:

Have I achieved all objectives ____ this unit?

  1. at
  2. on
  3. to
  4. for
MCQ 122:

There are many restaurants selling chicken rice ____ Purvis Street.

  1. on
  2. at
  3. from
  4. none of these
MCQ 123:

These watches have just arrived ____ special delivery from Japan.

  1. to
  2. from
  3. to
  4. by
MCQ 124:

I have talked _____ Kow Cheong.

  1. across
  2. to
  3. for
  4. none of these
MCQ 125:

Regina has studied ____ her test.

  1. at
  2. for
  3. to
  4. on

Prepositions Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Prepositions MCQs App to learn Prepositions Textbook, Inventions MCQ App, and Introduction to Psychology MCQs App. The "Prepositions" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Prepositions App (Android & iOS)

Prepositions App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (iOS & Android)

Introduction to Psychology App (Android & iOS)

Introduction to Psychology App (Android & iOS)

RF Electronics App (Android & iOS)

RF Electronics App (iOS & Android)