Physics Units of Measurement - Physics Learning 3
Practice Physics Units of Measurement questions with answers. This prep guide includes questions like, what is scientific notation?, how to express in scientific notation?, what is meter rule?, what is eye position measuring from meter rule?, what is vernier caliper? and others below.
Physics Units of Measurement Learning 3
What is scientific notation?
Answer: Expression of a number by multiplying it with powers of 10 is called scientific notation for example 34595 can be expressed as 3.4595*104.
How to express in scientific notation?
Answer: The distance between earth and moon can be expressed in scientific notation as 3.84*108 m.
What is meter rule?
Answer: A meter rule is a device which is used to measure length of different objects. A meter rule of length 1m is equal to 100 centimeters (cm). On meter rule each cm is divided further in to 10 divisions which are called millimeters (mm). So, a meter rule can measure up to 1mm as smallest reading.
What is eye position measuring from meter rule?
Answer: While measuring the length or distance from the meter rule, the position of eye must b kept vertical to the meter rule. This care while taking readings should be considered because if the position of eye is left or right to the scale then one cannot measure with accuracy.
What is Vernier caliper?
Answer: A Vernier caliper is a device which can measure precisely up to 0.1mm. It can take small measurement which a meter rule can't take.