Dynamics and Equilibrium - Physics Learning 1
Practice Dynamics and Equilibrium questions with answers. This prep guide includes questions like, define force with examples, why heavier objects are difficult to move?, where would coin go over a glass?, what is a momentum?, why does small bullet have strong impact? and others below.
Dynamics and Equilibrium Learning 1
Define force with examples
Answer: A property which moves or tries to move the object, stops or tries to stop the moving body is called force. Force also helps in changing the direction of motion of body. For example a block of brick at rest is pushed by a person by applying force on it, a rolling ball is stopped by a boy by applying force etc.
Why heavier objects are difficult to move?
Answer: Heavier objects are difficult to move as compare to the lighter ones. This is due to the property of inertia which a body possesses i-e it is a property due to which a body resists any change in it's state. An object at rest will oppose the change in it's state. Heavier objects have high inertia so they resist more as compare to lighter objects.
Where would coin go over a glass?
Answer: A coin placed on a glass covered with cardboard will quickly fall inside the glass on removing the cardboard. This is due to the property of inertia of the coin. The coin will resist the change in it's state of rest and will fall inside the glass if the cardboard is removed quickly.
What is a momentum?
Answer: The quantity of motion a body possesses is called momentum. It is the product of mass and velocity of the body. Mathematically, P = mv, here 'p' is momentum, 'm' is mass of body and 'v' is velocity of body.
Why does small bullet have strong impact?
Answer: When a bullet is fired from gun, it possesses momentum. As the speed of bullet is very fast as compare to it's size so it has large momentum and due to which it has a strong impact when it hit something.