Class 9 Courses

Class 9 biology Practice Tests

Class 9 Biology Online Tests

Conservation and Biodiversity MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Conservation and biodiversity Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Conservation and Biodiversity MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Grade 9 Biology Tests. Learn Biodiversity Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Conservation and Biodiversity quiz answers PDF to study online schools courses. The Conservation and Biodiversity MCQ App Download: Free learning app for biodiversity classification, class 9 biology: biodiversity, loss and conservation of biodiversity test prep for online secondary school classes.

The MCQ: The list prepared by International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources for endangered species is classified as; "Conservation and Biodiversity" App Download (Free) with answers: Brown List; White List; Black List; Red List; to study online schools courses. Solve Biodiversity Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for distance learning.

Conservation and Biodiversity MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Because of deforestation, the decreased transpiration leads to

  1. less cloud formation
  2. more cloud formation
  3. more water storage
  4. more oxygen
MCQ 2:

The list prepared by International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources for endangered species is classified as

  1. Brown List
  2. White List
  3. Black List
  4. Red List
MCQ 3:

The term used for species which is in danger of being extinct soon is

  1. degradability
  2. extinct
  3. endangered
  4. global biodiversity
MCQ 4:

The international organization IUCN is an abbreviation of

  1. Internal Union Council for Natural gas
  2. International Union Council for Nature
  3. International Union for Conservation of Nature
  4. Internal United Council of Nations
MCQ 5:

The major causes of extinction of different species include

  1. habitat loss and over-hunting
  2. climate change and pollution
  3. deforestation
  4. all of above

Class 9 Biology Practice Tests

Conservation and Biodiversity Textbook App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

The App: Conservation and Biodiversity MCQs App to study Conservation and Biodiversity Textbook, 9th Grade Biology MCQ App, and A level Biology MCQ App. The "Conservation and Biodiversity" App to free download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Conservation and Biodiversity App (Android & iOS)

Conservation and Biodiversity App (Android & iOS)

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